Monday 12 March 2012

EASA offers information on new TCO plans

Interested parties concerned about EASA's new rules on third country operators (TCO) have until March 26th to react to the comment response document,(CRD), issued by the European organisation on January 26th.
According to the EASA NPA 2011-05, the full implementation of the TCO programme will be conducted by the end of 2014. Currently operating airlines are to register and provide all necessary documentation from 8th April till 7th August 2012. These air companies will sustain temporary transition rights to perform the flights to Europe until they receive new authorisation in 2013-2014 upon passing the inspection/verification process.
Those operating airlines, which fail to register before 7th August 2012, along with the airlines which have not been operating in Europe since 8th April 2010, cannot obtain transitional permissions thus they are obliged to gain the authorisation before commencing the flights to/from Europe.
An article about the issue appears in the Arabian Aerospace online features section.
EASA told Arabian Aerospace that the CRD provides updated draft rules for third country operators performing commercial air transport operations into, within or out of the EU (Part-TCO) as well as draft rules for the initial authorisation, continuous oversight and the follow-up of findings with regard to third country operators (Part-ART), following the comments received during the public consultation.
EASA said it has carefully reviewed each reaction and amended the rule text where deemed appropriate.
The Agency will present a final opinion to the European Commission, which serves as the basis for the adoption of an Implementing Regulation.
EASA provides a web based tool to stay abreast with the latest developments regarding the implementation of Part TCO
EASA publishes all relevant developments related to the Authorisation of Third Country Operators on the website
. EASA said all Interested parties are invited to visit this website and register there in order to receive automatic notifications on latest developments with regard to Part-TCO. The information provided will include rulemaking material, the authorisation process, implementation timelines and transitional measures. Subscription to the TCO/Latest news will help not to miss important deadlines, it said.

Article Source : Arabian Aerospace

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