Thursday, 12 April 2012

MEBAA announce strategic partnership with Global Aerospace Summit 2012

The Middle East Business Aviation Association (MEBAA) has announced its strategic partnership with the Global Aerospace Summit, which is being presented by Mubadala from 16-19th April.
Through its partnership, MEBAA will promote critical issues affecting stakeholders within business aviation, namely sector specific regulation, airport access and the development of skilled manpower. 
Ali Ahmed Al Naqbi, founding chairman of MEBAA said: “There is a distinct disparity between the amount of planes on order and the available manpower needed to fly and service the growing fleets. It is a problem for the global industry and one that must be tackled together with a long-term industry standard. In this regard, the summit is the perfect forum to align international and regional executives and facilitate cross industry discussion on this and many other issues.” 
As such, ‘the future’ is being made a central theme for the Summit and there is a dedicated “Careers Direct” component that will encourage Emiratis to consider a vocation in aerospace, aviation and space based on actual events and stories given by mentors such as Al Naqbi. 
As an industry association, MEBAA will also be represented by a number of its 175 members who will promote the commercial interests of business aviation in the MiddleEast. 
Shane O’Hare, president and CEO of Royal Jet will discuss airport capacity and access for private jets in the Middle East.  And Captain Stephen Taylor of BBJ will consider navigation in an increasingly crowded air space. 
The Summit will also host a specific session on business aviation that will examine regional maintenance facilities for jets, turbo prop and piston planes, the grey market and collaboration with the commercial sector. 
The panel will be made up from the CEO’s of Piaggio Aero, Xjet World , GAMA Aviation, the managing director of Gulf Wings and Al Naqbi representing MEBAA.

“Business Aviation in Middle East has crossed the takeoff stage and is on a path of rapid climb. It is an essential and important limb of aviation and all stake holders in the industry need to recognize and tap into its immense potential. So for MEBAA, the Global Aerospace Summit is the perfect platform to promote our members’ value to regional aviation and to corporate businesses or governments that need bespoke support for executive travel, operations and logistics,” said Al Naqbi. 
The Global Aerospace Summit, will take place in Abu Dhabi at the St. Regis hotel on Monday April 16th and Tuesday April 17th 2012.

Article Source : Arabian Aerospace

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