Saturday, 17 December 2011

New Supersonic Transport Jet....

EADS's has announced that they are going to design a new supersonic transport jet. It has been nearly a decade since the historic last flight of the Concorde. Since the retirement of the majestic Concorde, there has not been any aircraft that can go from New York to London in under six hours. The Concorde was able to fly that trip in just under three and a half hours. The folks who are well off and can afford this type of travel are probably really excited to hear about this new groundbreaking announcement. The new aircraft will fly even faster then the Concorde with speeds up to Mach 4, and fly above the Earth's atmosphere. I can just imagine the hefty price tag that will go along with that type of travel. There is one catch...the aircraft will not be operational until the year 2050. 

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