Wednesday 21 March 2012

US airlines protest Germany's eco-tax on flight tickets

Airlines for America (A4A) filed a complaint Wednesday with a German court to protest Germany's eco-tax on airline passengers, arguing the charge violates international agreements governing aviation.
From Jan. 1, all airline tickets on flights to/from German airports are taxed with an environmental fee, including a €45 ($59.50) charge on long-haul international flights. A4A said US airlines operating to Germany have been complying with the tax under protest, but are now moved to take court action because the government-imposed eco-charge "violates several long-standing international agreements, including the Chicago Convention [and] the US-EU open skies agreement." It also contravenes the German constitution, A4A claimed.
The US lobbying group added in a statement, "Germany cannot arbitrarily close its budget gap on the backs of US airlines and their passengers, who already pay taxes at excessive rates. This is a short-sighted cash grab."
A4A said the filing made Wednesday was preliminary, noting that a more detailed filing will be made within the next two months. The German government has said it expects the tax to generate around €1 billion annually.
Article Source : ATW Daily News

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