Friday 4 May 2012

JATS participates in The Children's Museum Jordan's Labor Day Celebration

JATS (Jordan Airline Training and Simulation) recently participated in The Children's Museum Jordan's annual Labor Day celebration, which took place on Saturday, 28th April 2012.
Amer Fakhoury, general manager, and Capt. Salim Azazi put on their pilot caps and interacted with children and their families, explaining to the aviation enthusiasts the procedures of becoming a pilot or cabin crew member.  

JATS is actively encouraging children in its marketing and awareness campaign to follow a career in aviation. The company has taken the initiative to build into the lives of youngsters, by exposing them to the aviation sector, as the market continues to develop and grow in the Middle East, due to economic expansion in the region and the increase in tourism.

As part of its year long celebrations programme, The Children’s Museum Jordan, a non-profit educational initiative of Her Majesty Queen Rania AlAbdullah, presents children and their families with a unique annual Labor Day celebration. Themed as: “When I grow up … I can be anything”, the programme is designed to encourage children to explore the various vocations and professions that make up the Jordanian community, as well as instilling a sense of work ethics and respect.
Article Source : Arabian Aerospace

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