Sunday 22 January 2012

Qatari aviation inspector attends space camp

A senior aviation security inspector from Qatar has attended a Boeing “Educators to Space Camp” programme, held in Huntsville, Alabama - a first for the Gulf country.

Captain Mohammed Al Khater was part of a group of more than 90 delegates and students from 11 countries taking part in a week-long training adventure.

“The program was very beneficial, and proved to be creative and innovative in teaching us techniques that we were able to implement with our teams upon returning home, said Captain Mohammed.

“This is an excellent initiative from Boeing, and I am very excited to have been part of it.”
Since 1992, more than 800 teachers have participated in Boeing’s annual programme, designed to help them motivate their students in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which is estimated to have reached more than 400,000 students around the world.

The Boeing Educators to Space Camp program uses information on current space exploration initiatives to enhance teaching skills in presenting STEM lessons in a way that will inspire students and help ensure a skilled workforce for a globally-competitive technology market.

The group participated in activities such as simulated space missions, astronaut training, and lectures by rocketry and space exploration experts.

The program provides full scholarships to teachers in communities where Boeing has education partnerships and/or a business presence.

Working with educational institutions and community leaders around the world, Boeing distributes scholarships to partner schools and districts, which then select the teachers who demonstrate exceptional commitment to increasing student interest in STEM.

Boeing and the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Research, and Community Development collaborated on selecting Qatar’s first participant in this program.
After graduating from Space Camp, each delegate returns home with a lesson-plan workbook and materials to use in the classroom or work environment.

The graduates also have access to online training as well as resources to help them continue to network and communicate with their fellow camp attendees.

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