Tuesday 14 February 2012

V2500 SelectThree remains on drawing board

International Aero Engines’ (IAE) next family of engines—the V2500 SelectThree—remains “on the drawing board,” IAE president and CEO Ian Aitken told ATW, “but I think the ink is now getting dry”.
“Last September/October, I asked the engineers to go away and come back to me with what SelectThree could look like,” he explained. “They’ve gone away and talked to Airbus and talked to our customers and talked internally to our customer business people to come up with a shopping list of things that they’d like to put in the engine. These are things such as fuel burn improvements … the cost reductions, anything to do with the reliability … in the next few months—they’re going to talk to me about what they’ve actually come up with.”
The V2500 SelectTwo series is on schedule to enter service in 2013, with the SelectThree to follow “probably” by another two years, Aitken estimated.
“The V2500 has always worked on the basis of continuous improvements through its life. Any engine program worth its salt is going to give the customer something where they continually improve it throughout its lifetime,” he said.
Article Source : ATW Daily News

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